By Rebekah
No one saw the
Great Flood coming. The words strike a match against a long-lost memory, an old
eternal flame and ancient ache in our hearts. We’ve heard this story before.
The Lord looked down upon the earth and saw man’s wickedness had become deep
and wide. And because sin separates, and tears creation from Creator, there’s a
lasting love that can’t be found. God’s heart broke down with pain. Man
excelled at striking God. God regretted making man.
Rebekah spends her days living life alongside her husband and children. She enjoys reading, homeschooling, and every once in a great while, chasing after the wind.
“Wisdom cries
aloud in the street,
In the markets she raises her voice:
At the head of the noisy streets she cries out,
at the entrance of the city gates she speaks.”
Proverbs 1:20-21
“No one saw the
Great Flood coming.”
These are the
opening words of author Rod Dreher in his new book, The Benedict Option.
The book puts into words what many of us have been thinking but unable to
articulate--the growing sense that something isn’t right, that even the
strongest Christian families around us are beginning to buckle under the
pressure of a dark and stormy and invisible weight, that the business-as-usual
way of American life is no longer sustainable, or even acceptable, for
He could’ve ended
it all right there. But God had everything to lose and man had squandered all
his gain. So God--who in the fullness of time would gain a reputation for
asking men to do strange things--God told Noah to build an ark. Noah was a righteous
man, and we’ve fallen so far, we don’t even know what that means anymore. The
water was coming. A Great Flood would come to put an end to the destruction,
slaughtering everything evil under the sun.
Can anything good
come from a God gone mad? My family decided to go and see, for some things
you’ve just got to see for yourself. Our cats were home with special access to
the sunroom, along with an extra litter box to make up for our absence. The
rest of us woke up on the second floor of the Comfort Suites. We weren’t in
Kansas anymore, or Illinois or Indiana. We were in Williamstown, Kentucky to
see the stunning new creation--the Answers in Genesis Ark Encounter.
As it was in the
days of Noah, the ark was standing right in front of me, and the largest timber
frame structure in the world did not disappoint. My eyes started to rain drops
of wonderment, and I remembered my Sunday school teacher, Mr. Jim, and the
stories he told me when I was a child. When we passed through the door, thunder
rumbled overhead, and the wooden floor of heaven trembled firm beneath my feet.
It wasn’t the size of the little boat that arrested me. It was the
goodness of God in the face of His torrential judgement.
We were children
of wrath like the rest of mankind. “But God, being rich in mercy, because of
the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our
trespasses, made us alive together with Christ” (Ephesians 2:4). The Lord was
kind, and Noah was spared. “By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning
events yet unseen, in holy fear constructed an ark for the saving of His
household. By this he condemned the world, and became an heir of the
righteousness that comes by faith” (Hebrews 11:7).
“I am the door,”
Jesus says, and salvation is found in no one else. I walk through the door with
an armful of garbage and luggage from the trip. The cats come running up the
stairs. They’re happy we’re home, and so are we. Everyone is tired, and Dad and
I together are ready for bed. We get the rest of the van unloaded, dropping
everything onto the mud room floor. The big kids immediately tend to the litter
box. The little ones dig around for clean jammies from their bags. We’ll unpack
them tomorrow when the sun comes up again.
“Come, Lord
Jesus!” the Church cries together. And we wait, and we work, and we stay and
we dwell where the Lord of Hosts has placed us. Most people will never see the
work we do, the pains we knew, or the lives we lived and gave. But see this
wonder in the making, even as the earth is breaking, God Himself will send His
Son. The Psalmist writes, “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His
ears are attentive to his prayer” (Psalm 34:15). The Lord remembered Noah, and
He remembers us, wherever we are, for God cannot forget His children.
“Father, forgive
them, for they know not what they do,” Jesus prays from His cross, soon before
He was abandoned. And with those few words the world is forever changed. The
love of God survived. The Lord of Love endured the darkness and undid the
death, the hatred, and every evil thought we threw upon the God of God, Light
of Light, very God of very God. Blessed are the born of water and the Spirit,
that we have been called the body of Christ! In Him the body dwells secure, He
who saves our souls from sin, from ourselves, and from the sure and coming
The world says,
“Blessed is he who half-heartedly embraces his unalienable right to life,
liberty, and the sensual pursuit of everlasting happiness.”
Jesus says,
“Blessed is he who hears the Word of God and keeps it!”
Summer and
winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and
stars in their courses above,
Join with all
nature in manifold witness
To Thy great
faithfulness, mercy and love
Great is Thy
faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by
morning new mercies I see
All I have
needed Thy hand has provided
Great is Thy
faithfulness, Lord, unto me.

I am just starting The Benedict Option (my husband just finished it). All of a sudden a million little things are pointing to the tenets in this book. In our church we are studying "The Liturgy of the Ordinary", which is also making a huge impact on my life.
ReplyDeleteYour post is beautiful, and I will be sharing it. I'm a Lutheran homeschooling mom living south of Atlanta and I really enjoy your blog! Thank you :-)
Hi, Mary! I'm so glad to hear that you read and enjoy the blog. :-) FYI, our first podcast episode (coming out soon) will also address the Benedict Option. You may enjoy listening.