By Anna Mussmann
It’s a well-known
sociological phenomenon: young men insult each other as a way of making
friendly conversation, but young women make friendly conversation by insulting
themselves. You know how it goes. “Oh, I’m so bad at that.” “My hair’s a mess
today.” “Yeah, I’m kind of the loser mom, ha ha.” Whether or not it’s true that
women lack the confidence of our male counterparts, we are quicker to admit to
self-doubt and guilt.
And for those of us with kids, nothing sends us down the byway of insecurity more quickly than the question of whether or not we did a good job at being intentionally present, educational, patient, wise, authoritative, gentle, and fun as a mom today. If you’ve ever felt like a bad mom, you know what I mean.
And for those of us with kids, nothing sends us down the byway of insecurity more quickly than the question of whether or not we did a good job at being intentionally present, educational, patient, wise, authoritative, gentle, and fun as a mom today. If you’ve ever felt like a bad mom, you know what I mean.

Sometimes they’re simply the result of being pulled farther than we can yet reach. When physical therapists help their patients stretch, it can hurt. So likewise motherhood can stretch us just as painfully. It’s hard to feel good at something that is hard. The really tricky thing about this stretching is that it catches us by surprise. The line between “fine” and “ouch” is an inconsistent one.
On one day, we sing songs, go to the zoo, push through the tough bits and and enjoy the cuteness. Then all of a sudden, we didn’t get enough sleep last night and the kids are crying about everything, and now someone has just peed on the floor twice. And we are done, fried, all out of songs. The individual events aren’t really different. It’s just that they’ve tipped us over the line. Life with little children is like that.
Sometimes the words come because we’ve unconsciously bought into the Freudian myth that we moms are responsible for shaping our kiddoes’ psyches, and since their psyches are currently displaying all the hallmarks of a toddler in need of a nap, we get the sense that we are totally messing up.
Sometimes they
demonstrate that we have slipped into seeing all the hard moments--the pee on
the floor [can you tell I’m potty-training right now?]---as somehow bigger and
more real than the beautiful moments. That’s a lie, of course, as well as a bad
habit. If habits were easy to break no one would smoke cigarettes.
Sometimes they
come to mind because our brains are trying to tell us something. Like an
overweight person with health problems who knows she ought to lose weight but
likes ice cream too much, we too might know that we ought to build new habits
or learn new skills, yet find it almost impossible to get there.
Sometimes they
are inevitable. We are too well-trained theologically to say that we are “good
people” without reference to a phrase like simul justus et peccator, so
why would we expect to be a perfect mom? Of course we get a lot of things wrong
for all the wrong reasons and at the wrong times. It’s a good thing God is big
and strong enough to work through us despite ourselves.
Martin Luther was
tempted with despair, guilt, and feelings of failing to measure up. He said a
lot of strongly worded things about telling the devil to get behind him.
There are a lot
of reasons why women sometimes feel like we are feeling like bad moms. So what?
That’s life. It doesn’t actually mean we aren’t here, with our kids, trying to
be faithful parents.
Let’s remember our
children’s baptisms. Let’s remember that kids are
often fun. Let’s live in repentance and absolution instead
of guilt. Let us thank God for the gift of this vocation of motherhood. It
is a beautiful one.

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