Oct 24, 2015

What God Has Joined Together (Off-site Highlights)

Posted by Anna

Marriage is good. In our fallen world, that means, of course, that it's also not all rings and roses. Here is a round-up of articles on marriage and the daunting challenges that couples can face.

First, a slight side note: do you ever wonder why Lutherans, unlike Roman Catholics, don't normally list marriage among the Sacraments? Take a look at the discussion in the Book of Concord.


Mark Regnerus reminds us that a romantic, unrealistic vision of what marriage should be (sometimes unwittingly fostered by those who want to defend the awesomeness of this gift of God) can lead people to think that their own marriage isn't "good enough" to be worth maintaining.

The Good-Enough Marriage by Mark Regnerus 
"Amid well-intentioned efforts to reinforce or rebuild a disappearing marriage culture, there remains a persistent hazard—that in belaboring the beauty of marriage very many people in challenging unions will feel more discouraged, not less. Their marriages haven’t felt wonderful for a very long time. Or the dismal follows the wonderful in a predictably cyclical fashion. Or misunderstanding seems chronic. Bedrooms become battlegrounds. It’s not how marriage was intended to be, but it is how many turn and how some remain." MORE.

In this brief, bitter, and well-written tale, Anthony Esolen reminds us what divorce has done to the children.

"The Invisible Child" by Anthony Esolen 
“Wife,” he said, “I am going to take my half of the estate, which belongs to me.” And she could do nothing about it, because of the lawlessness of the land where they lived. So he sold their home, even the home the boy loved, and took half of the estate, and traveled into a far country. But he did not travel alone. He brought another woman with him. MORE.

Sometimes the marital vows are broken, not by ordinary unfaithfulness, but by someone who abuses the person he or she promised to love and cherish. Take a look HERE at some Synodical materials for and about this kind of situation.

Recently I learned about CanaVox, a grassroots-style group that aims to equip women to defend marriage in the public square (through non-religious, philosophical and natural-law arguments). Take a look at their list of readings here.

On-site links that might be helpful: Cheryl writes about supporting one's husband when he is searching for his vocation. Rachel reminds us that marriage is awfully closely connected with death. Anna talks about responding to people who question the wisdom of getting married before having sex.

Also, mostly for fun: if you know a lot of single people who might actually appreciate being connected with each other, click over to Kathryn Wales "Four Steps to Achieve Matchmaking Success."

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