By Ruth Meyer
“Over half of the
members in this congregation give less than the price of a Happy Meal every
These words were
spoken in a sermon about stewardship, and they’ve stuck with me ever since.
Churches seem to be perpetually behind budget, nearly always in debt, and is it
any wonder? If half of the members are giving $5 or less, how can we expect to
sustain our congregations? Granted, this includes all those members “on the
rolls” who don’t actually come, but let’s face it––tithing is not a common
practice in our culture today. Sure, people can spend money on cable and
Internet and cars and sports and lessons and… But church? Tithing is foreign to
many people. So as I sat in church that Stewardship Sunday while the pastor
discussed giving, I admit I felt a little swell of pride. Ah, I thought
to myself smugly, but I DO tithe. I’m a faithful giver. But upon further
reflection, I came to a startling revelation. I’m not nearly as generous as I’d
like to think I am.
While we’re on
the subject of money, let’s go beyond tithing to church and look at other
charitable giving. How much have you given to organizations that support the
spread of the Gospel? missionaries? a local pregnancy center? a local food bank
or homeless shelter? True, none of us have limitless means. We can’t support
every single cause, no matter how pious it may be. I get that. But I know for
myself, something ugly happens inside me when I’m considering how much to give
to a charitable organization. Suddenly I become very cautious and wary. How
do I know they’ll actually spend the money rightly? Do I agree with their
theology 100%? I can spend $150 dollars at Kohl’s without blinking an eye
(because, you know, that’s with the 30% off and Kohl’s cash back, and I saved
more than I spent!), but then turn around and consider how much to give for my
end-of-the-year tax-deductible gift to a non-profit organization and slip into
my “safe” contribution of $25. What does that say about my priorities?
There’s more to
giving than just money, though. Stewardship includes time, talents, and
treasures. I don’t know about you, but I can be incredibly selfish with my
time. While the kids are in school, I want that free time to myself! (As far as
that is possible with my tornado of a two-year-old, that is.) I look at that
time as time to write, to exercise, and to relax. Don’t get me wrong here.
There’s nothing wrong with taking time for yourself. I’m a huge proponent of
it. You’re a better mommy if you take time to do something for yourself. But
not all day, every day. Maybe you can’t monetarily support a pregnancy center,
but can you volunteer your time once a week or twice a month? Can you do
something from home, like writing or proofreading articles for their monthly
newsletter? Might you be able to visit a nursing home a few times a month to
brighten a resident’s day? Even if you have to bring a young child, the elderly
might love to interact with a baby or toddler again. Could you volunteer at
your children’s school? be a Sunday School teacher at church? participate in
Altar Guild? This ties directly into talents as well. I’m a music major, so I could
start a children’s choir at our church, but somehow I’ve always found an
excuse not to. The Church works best if all of us are giving of ourselves in
areas in which God has blessed us. Too many churches have a handful of movers
and shakers who seem to run the church because no one else will step forward. Consider
what your strengths are, and look for ways to use those for the good of others.
Perhaps you’re
reading this now, thinking to yourself that you’re already tapped out. You’re
one of the aforementioned movers and shakers, and you don’t need to add anything
else to your schedule. Quite the opposite, perhaps. Maybe it’s time to step
aside for a few activities before you burn yourself out. Focus on one or two
things you can do well, rather than multiple activities you’ll do halfheartedly
or with resentment. Pray that God would direct your decisions and reveal to you
areas where you can hand off the baton to someone else.
Then again,
perhaps you have multiple young children at home and you simply can’t volunteer
your time the way you’d like to. Don’t feel guilty that you can’t participate
more at church or school. God has placed you in this current station of life,
and He blesses you in that. You certainly don’t want to sacrifice family time
for the sake of an organization at church. Pray that God would bless you as you
serve your family.
Regardless of
your personal situation, there’s one area where we are all accountable, and
that’s sharing our treasure. No, I’m not talking money now. I mean our greatest
treasure of all: our faith. Christ has redeemed us from everlasting
condemnation! He died for us and rose again! What greater treasure could life
hold? And we are privileged to share that wonderful news with those around us.
But even though I have ample opportunity to share this treasure, so often I
find myself keeping silent. Fear and doubt hold me back, and I let the
opportunity slip away. There are countless people I know who do not believe in
Jesus as their Savior. Why am I not joyfully sharing the Gospel with them?
The truth is that none of us is as generous as we’d like to think. We
will always fall short in one area or another. We will always battle
selfishness within ourselves. But thank God that in Jesus we are forgiven for
this and every sin. He is the Giver that we cannot be. He gave His very life
for us––all of it. He lived the perfect life we could never live. He was
intentional about reaching out to others. He travelled around, spreading the
news that the Kingdom of God had come. He healed people and drove out demons.
He performed miracles. He was tempted by the devil and resisted. He submitted
Himself to humiliation, torture, and death at the hands of sinners. Not for
selfish gain, but for us and for our salvation. And because of His
selfless giving, we are indeed granted forgiveness, life, and salvation, along
with bountiful temporal blessings. Thanks be to God, who graciously gives us
all things!

well said!