Anna Ilona Mussmann
ancients considered dancing a manly skill. King David, warrior and leader of
men, played the harp. In the days of Shakespeare, writing poems about love was
a male-dominated activity. Caring for horses once fell largely into the domain
of men and boys.
playing the harp, writing poetry, and dreaming about horses aren’t considered
very masculine pursuits anymore. The male sphere has shrunk.
have a little boy. He’s adorable and thoughtful; he’s fond of Duplos and Cream
of Wheat. Sometimes I wonder how to raise him. Where will the transition come
between beautiful toddler and boy? Between boy and teen, then teen and man?
want my son to have plenty of room in this world. Room to dance and write
poems. Room to hold doors for ladies. Room to wrestle and tease. Room to
someday find a wife and raise children. Room to be not just a decent human
being, but a good and decent man. How will this happen in a world that
is obsessed with gender while at the same time treating biological sex as an
impediment to progress? Some nations and some U.S. states allow individuals to
choose “other” when it comes to sex. My son will grow up in a culture filled
with books, movies, and T.V. shows eager to push the envelope of
gender-bending, gender-swapping, and gender-erasing values.
live in a time in which both progressives and conservatives are dissatisfied
with the way that America’s men behave. The former speak of rape culture, the
glass ceiling, and angry old white men. The latter speak of porn culture, the
war on boys, and the increasing number of adult males who choose
not to work for a living.
of this can make me afraid. Sometimes I wonder how I, who have never been male
and don’t always understand the attitudes and behavior of guys, will help my
son grow into the right kind of man.
course my husband is an integral part of raising our son. He’s an amazing dad
and role-model. Yet it is I, and not Daddy, who is home all day and whose
choices and parenting habits shape the culture of our home. I establish rules
and choose picture books. I draw the line between a funny joke I’ll laugh at and
a joke that’s sent out of the room. I have enough power to make me nervous.
find it a tremendous relief to view the issue through the lens of vocation.
Over Form
of Eve, "This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be
called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man." The sexes are distinct
and yet distinctly linked. Mark 10:6-8a tells us, “But from the beginning of
creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his
father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one
reality of the existence of two different sexes is inherently tied to marriage
and therefore to procreation. To be a man is to be someone who can become a
husband and a father. Being male isn’t about “form”--the many accessories,
tastes, or habits in which a consumeristic and wealthy society like ours can
afford to indulge--it is about function.
a good man (inasmuch as a sinful human being can aspire to goodness) is
to fill that role in love instead of selfishness. It is about vocation. A good
man uses his masculine characteristics--his height, his strength, his
opportunities in life, his emotional and mental tendencies--to serve and
protect others. In particular, to serve his family. Even a skinny guy who
writes poetry can do that.
culture is contradictory in the way it tries to erase gender lines in the
sphere of behavior, while simultaneously “gendering” everything from baby
merchandise to colors. The odd dichotomy teaches children to define their
gender through accessories and consumerism. It’s the curse of material
who are not so cushioned from the reality of conception, birth, and death find
it harder to ignore the human body. In that, they have a certain freedom. Male
pioneers darned their own socks without worry over gender identity. Female
settlers drove cattle and planted fields without considering gender expression.
Nowadays we have become incredibly self-conscious about the meaning of what we
to Others Should Shape Culture
cannot define what it means to be a man. It is important for my son to know
that hating sports and liking fashion doesn’t make him female (or, for that
matter, gay) any more than disliking dresses and wanting to be a plumber would
make my daughter a boy.
a good culture will be shaped by men and women who live out their unique
vocations. A civilized culture acts upon the premise that it is the job of the
stronger to guard the more vulnerable. That is why civilized cultures do not
abandon handicapped babies or leave old people to die in the forest once their
usefulness is gone. That is why civilized cultures recognize that men and women
ought not to be forced into the straightjacket of gender-blind roles, and
instead have rules about how men treat women.
is given to women to bear and nurture children. This activity, along with the
physical and emotional characteristics which make it possible, leaves women
more vulnerable in some ways than men. Thus it is given to men to carry the
primary burden of protecting women and children if, say, an invading army
marches in.
want my son to grow into the kind of man who, whether he is tough and fit or
studious and slender, would sacrificially tackle a home invader, a terrorist,
or an enemy soldier if that’s really what he needed to do to save others. It’s
a key concept I want to keep in mind as I make the choices of daily parenting.
hope that my husband and I can carve out enough space for my son so that he can
live his early years secure in his sex and free of worries about gender.
Already, he knows that he is a boy, and I tell him that when he grows up he can
be a man like Daddy. He’s not entirely sure how these things are defined--when
I put him in dress pants for the first time after a summer of wearing shorts to
church, he exclaimed, “I wear pants! Like a man!” From his perspective, these
things are simple.
with nature will help ground him in physical reality and protect him against
modern gnosticism. I let him play in the dirt, run barefoot, and play with
bugs. He’s too fastidious to touch slugs, but he watches while his sister
touches them. I hope he can raise animals and be aware of their life cycles. I
hope he can play sports and be comfortable using and appreciating his body.
let him go as high as he can climb on the playground. I let him use a real
shovel. I let him wave sticks in the air. None of the activities are very
dangerous, but sometimes my inner mother-hen would like to follow him around
while he does them and shout, “Careful! Remember to be careful!” After all,
he’s only a toddler. Yet if I teach him by my example that personal safety is
the highest of all values, why would he someday step up and do hard, dangerous,
or painful things for the sake of others?
mother-in-law raised four sons, and she has commented that mothers shouldn’t be
too quick to discourage their son’s willingness to take risks. It’s better to
help them evaluate the pros and cons intelligently and then cheer them on while
they try--or, should they hesitate, to remind them of how a previous risk paid
off--than to model constant caution.
also considers it important not to try to force boys to talk about feelings in
the way women do. Sometimes the masculine willingness to take action when women
would rather talk for a few more hours is just what the world needs. When I
discipline my son, I try to keep the conversation short. It is often better to
say, “You were pushing your sister. That’s not OK. Now you must stay out of the
game for two minutes,” than to emote all of my feelings in a stream of words
and to try to produce the appropriate feelings in him in response. Sometimes,
even while remaining firm about our house rules, I need to refrain from acting
shocked that he used his body instead of his words to try to get his toy back.
will give him lots of older books to read. Those stories are important not just
because I as a mother am attracted to old-fashioned gender roles, but because
the boys in so many of those books feel a special responsibility to look after
and help provide for their families. What a great jumping-off point to talk
about how my son can serve the people in his life!
don’t want him to grow up resenting the unfairness of the idea that guys should
protect girls. My son is not allowed to hit his sister, but I’m going to rebuke
her just as firmly if she hits him. I will try to be attentive enough to notice
if she is being manipulative or is instigating the conflict, rather than simply
punishing him for “finishing it” with physical action. It should also help with this if he sees me show respect for his father.
am still without a real conclusion about the question of whether or not it is
significantly helpful to boys if they learn to do things like change the oil in
a car or lift weights. However, something I do want to provide my son is the
opportunity to build skills and to do hard things. Whether he reaches heights
of excellence in cake baking, mathematics, or music, whether he conquers his
fear on the dance floor, the soccer field, or the stage, he will build
confidence that will hopefully protect him from agonizing over his identity.
Furthermore, he will be vastly increasing his ability to serve and care for
others as he lives out his vocations. After all, that’s what being a good man
is all about, isn’t it?
I hope that my husband and I will raise a good man. But of course that goal is
foolish if it does not include a recognition that we lived in a broken world
filled with deeply flawed sinners. Our son will be one of them. Blessedly,
neither I, with all my feeble parenting goals and plans, nor he, with all his
natural frailty, must make him good. He is accounted good through the
righteousness of Christ. That is where I must find my ultimate hope. The same
God who created male and female, the same God who says, “I know the plans I
have for you,” is the God who gave life to my son through the waters of Holy
Baptism. I pray that God will keep my little boy in his baptismal grace. I also
pray that God will grant me the wisdom not to get in the way of His work.
Ultimately, my son belongs not to me but to Him, and that is the greatest
comfort of all.

While I agree mostly with your article, I do find it very nice when I can find a male doctor or something like that to care for my son. As a homeschooling family where mom is the one who is with the kids for the vast majority of the day, it is nice to give an example to him of a way that a man can love and serve his neighbor in his vocation. Before our recent move, my children's doctor was a female, and she was a wonderful physician. In our new location, our children's doctor is a male, and he is also a wonderful physician. And I can enjoy knowing that there is one more male role model for my son to see in a world where he primarily sees women working. I hope that one day my son grows up to care for his family and his neighbors, too, and that he can look to these good, godly men as good examples of how to care his neighbors.
ReplyDeleteGood suggestion! Thanks.
DeleteThis is another excellent piece, Anna! I raised two girls and no boys and I didn't have the genderless culture to tend with. Yet, I still adhered to many of the approaches you mention here. Let children be children playing in the dirt and taking (supervised) risks. And just because one daughter preferred playing with legos rather than dolls did not mean that she self identifies as a boy. Both girls have grown into wonderful women who take their vocation as wife and mother (or aunt) seriously. They recognize the brokenness of themselves and the world and they, too, find their hope in Christ's righteousness. You write it all very beautifully! Thank you for serving in your vocation as writer!! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you, Susan! I appreciate the encouragement. :-)
DeleteBeautifully written, Anna! I think all mothers of boys would benefit from your comforting words. My boy is only 1, but already I'm mourning the loss of faithful communities such as the previous Boy Scouts for him as we help him navigate this world.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's rough that there are so few places left where boys can have that kind of "boy social space." Maybe Jonathan could start a boys' running club. :-)