Anna Ilona Mussmann
the Faith at Home: What Does This Mean? How Is This Done? DCE David Rueter
explains that after years of seeing the majority of teens quit church
immediately upon confirmation, he has “spent the last few years in doctoral
study on the nature, history, and models of instruction or confirmation.” He
argues that the Church must move away from a model in which confirmation is
often perceived as “graduation,” and instead focus on a lifelong catechesis anchored in Baptism.

I applaud the author’s call for the Church to reawaken to the need for lifelong catechesis. I also appreciate his perceptive chapter on postmodernism as it relates to teaching today’s youth. He says,
“Rather than thinking through the moral implications of a position, young people have grown up learning to empathize and formulate their position on that basis. So for example, it becomes increasingly hard to talk through confessional doctrinal positions on the role of women in the Church or any number of topics related to sexual ethics. . . . [W]e instead work with students who are more inclined to take positions based on a desire to see all people feel affirmed, regardless of the personal choices of those individuals. Thus, they end up accepting only the teachings of Jesus that they are comfortable with.”
another passage, he adds, “Teaching doctrinal truths changes if there is no
longer even a concern with whether they are right or not, but only whether one
likes what they say or not.” Because truth no longer matters, “[W]e end up with
a Christianity of practical atheists. We might believe in God, but functionally
we do not act as though He truly exists.”
reality is discouraging, but it is easier to combat once understood. Mr.
Rueter’s discussions of the “coherence view of truth” and of moralistic
therapeutic deism is clear and enlightening. He points out that when dealing
with kids who process truth claims through their feelings, we must reach their
hearts before we can teach them better thinking skills. Stories can play a
large role in this. For instance, we can teach the story of Christ as it is
woven through all of Scripture. Postmodernism would have them believe that they
cannot identify any overarching meaning to life, and the author points out that
by “Presenting often-isolated biblical stories without much in the way of
drawing the whole into a larger metanarrative, many of our churches play
further into this disjointed understanding of the world and the place of faith
within it.”
also appreciate the author’s respect for youth. He is right that we must let
kids think through and engage with church doctrine, and that they must be
allowed to ask questions that are hard to answer. Although he does not mention Higher Things, that organization
provides a great model of this.
some of the author’s ideas for providing church members with life-long learning
are clearly based on his experience with what (from my perspective) is an
enormous congregation. Mr. Reuters seems to consider it inevitable that
children will often be segregated from the adult members and that age-based
programs are needed to keep individuals from falling through the cracks. None
of the churches that I have attended could run separate classes and programs
for each age group, nor do I think they should try. I would rather see all ages
learning together. To do so shows our children that Scripture and the Catechism
are truly worth studying throughout our entire lives. It also allows all ages
to learn from their pastor, rather than sending children off to spend most of
their instructional time with other staff members.
second half of the book provides commentary on Luther’s Small Catechism. I have
had the privilege of learning from excellent, confessional pastors who review
the Catechism nearly every Sunday, and I found this section a bit simplistic. I
was leery of some of the analogies which the author suggests as teaching tools
for doctrinal matters, not because they are bad analogies, but because
analogies are necessarily incomplete and can sometimes be misleading. However,
some parents, especially those who did not receive particularly good
confirmation instruction themselves or who attend a congregation that does not
emphasize the Catechism, will no doubt find it a helpful starting point.
This book is a worthwhile resource in the conversation about catechetical
teaching. I recommend it to parents, pastors, and Sunday school teachers who
are pondering the ways we teach our kids. I doubt that all readers will agree
with all of the author’s suggestions, but we should absolutely heed his central
thesis that the Church’s focus must be on lifelong catechesis instead of the
ceremony of confirmation.

I always enjoy reading your thoughtful analyses, Anna. I think I should probably get a copy of this book in the near future. :-)